Term........................... |
Usage |
PGID#..........13280000 0100 |
In the Context of........... |
Term Type....Root 1 |
Also See In Context of... |
Note............................... |
Definition........................ |
When a copyrighted work is licensed, the terms of the license that specify the type of media, size of reproduction, duration, and locations in which the work will appear, along with other parameters. |
Additional Info............... |
Other parameters include but are not limited to: licensee, licensor, media, quantity, size, placement, industries, regions, languages, restrictions, exclusivity, and duration. |
Term In Use................. |
"We license images for various types of usage." |
Variations...................... |
Use |
Plural............................ |
Usages |
Note: Synonyms, antonyms & related terms coming soon
PLUS Usability Rank....... |
None |
Preferred Term.............. |